MILESTONE: Our Work is Done Here

After five months, we’ve graduated from our DOC Band treatment. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed our time with the team at our local Cranial Technologies clinic. They are so positive, knowledgeable and supportive, helping us through a process that can be stressful and time consuming.

The DOC Band (aka The Tiara) takes advantage of an infant’s growth and their soft skulls to adjust any asymmetry he or she may have. When we began this process, we were 12 mm asymmetry on one side in the back. During our time in The Tiara, we’ve fielded so many well-intentioned questions, overheard comments we were not supposed to hear, and received stares and glares from other parents and kids.

We didn’t let it bother us too much. But I do have to say that the craziest comments were from people who said that the treatment was purely cosmetic and was just one of those crazy new-fangled treatments for kids who are spoiled. Really?! But on the other hand, I also received emails from friends who said that they wished they had been more persuasive with their pediatrician years ago, as they always felt like their child could have benefited from a DOC Band and now they can see their child’s head still has asymmetry. (At the time their pediatricians had said that it would “correct” itself, and that is not usually the case. It’s optimal to take advantage of the growth spurts under the age of 12 months to correct abnormal head shape.)

I will let her graduation photos speak for themselves. In five months of wearing a DOC Band 23 hours a day, C has made fabulous progress and her head is beautiful. I also feel that we’re going to alleviate any issues associated with plagiocephaly, such as fitting her with glasses, TMJ, and migraines.

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Just one more thing that we’ve done to help her have the right start in life, which is our job as her parents.

For more information about plagiocephaly:

Untreated Plagiocephaly
Plagiocephaly Information

2 thoughts on “MILESTONE: Our Work is Done Here

  1. Pingback: Flat-Head Syndrome is Not A Disability | The Twin Set

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